Season 4 : Episode 6
- Black History Month, Channels, HerFIGHT, Podcasts, Trending Now
- Fatherhood Brotherhood
- 2021
In this week's episode of Street Politicians it's Fathers Day and Mysonne and Tamika are speaking about the importance of fatherhood among the black community. Tamika and Mysonne are joined by Jeff Johnson, the founder of Men-Thrive and James Bond of Dadish to speak about changes surrounding the idea of what it means to be a father in 2021. Men-Thrive is, “A community that is curated to proclaim the generational toxic stress, depression, and anxiety standing in the way of us living our best lives as something that must end.” Johnson created the community in order to help restore and strengthen the black male community in efforts to push every black man to, “show up WHOLE, operate with JOY, and live with POWER.” Meanwhile James Bond founded Dadish in order to share his experience with fatherhood in a positive light and share that with other black men. As a proud father himself Mysonne shares his experience about fatherhood as well as what it means to be raising young black men in America and all the challenges that come with it. All this and more in this week's episode of Street Politicians, the place where the streets and politics meet!