Season 4: Episode 19
- Black History Month, Channels, HerFIGHT, Podcasts, Trending Now
- Raise The Age Law
- 2021
New York has raised the age of criminal responsibility to 18 years old to ensure young people who commit nonviolent crimes in New York receive the intervention and evidence-based treatment they need. Our hosts, Tamika D. Mallory and Mysonne "The General" understand the need for community participation to end violence and youth related crimes. Donite Mitchell, a returning citizen who self advocated for his freedom after he was wrongfully sentenced to 35-75 years in prison joins Street Politicians. Community advocate Andre T. Mitchell also joins Tamika and Mysonne on this week's episode. Mitchell is the founder of Man Up! Inc. an organization that advocates for the rehabilitation of returning citizens and works to end violence in our communities. To learn more about raising the age and ending youth-related crimes tune in to this week's episode.