Season 3: Episode 20
- Black History Month, Channels, HerFIGHT, Podcasts, Trending Now
- Money on My Mind - The Importance of Financial Literacy
- 2021
On this weeks episode of Street Politicians hosted by Tamika D. Mallory and Mysonne “The General,” they speak about the importance of financial literacy in the Black community, including how to achieve it as well as retain it. They are joined by financial advisor and partner at the Bilal Group LLC, Rashad Bilal as well as Change Marker Ashley Fox, the Owner of Empify. Rashad enlightens us about the importance of financial stability, maintaining your credit back and the importance of teaching financial literacy from a young age. Rashad is a financial advisor and partner at the Bilal Group LLC. His expertise lies in the areas of protection, wealth accumulation, retirement planning as well as estate and business planning. Rashad finds solutions for both personal and business financial woes. The Bilal Group LLC, is a financial services and wealth management firm that has been servicing business owners and private citizens nationwide for more than 35 years.