Season 5: Episode 9
- iWoman Report, iWomanTV Originals, Seat at the Table
- Lizzie Asher
- 2024
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year is the 23rd anniversary of dedication to spreading awareness and education about sexual assault. Our guest today is passionate about moving toward an end to sexual abuse through her philanthropy organization the Cura Collective. Lizzie Asher, one of the co-founders, is a graduate of Harvard Law School and currently serves on multiple non-profit boards that give back to her community. The Cura Collective aims to empower communities, working with women-led initiatives to improve health, socioeconomic, and community issues. One of the Cura Collective’s current initiatives is to eliminate the voluntary intoxication exclusion, a law in New York City that means an assaulter cannot be charged with a sex crime if the victim became voluntarily intoxicated.