Anosmia- or the loss of smell, is often caused by viral infections, and is often resolved on its own. More often it is caused by nasal obstruction, or nasal drip, however patients with COVID-19 sometimes experience anosmia without any nasal obstruction or swelling.
According to the same Harvard study, “COVID-19 patients typically recover their sense of smell over the course of weeks—much faster than the months it can take to recover from anosmia caused by a subset of viral infections known to directly damage olfactory sensory neurons.”
In regards to the charred-orange hack, doctors are not yet convinced this is a cure all for anosmia. “There is nothing we’re aware of that would explain why this would be a successful, viable solution,” said Iahn Gonsenhauser, M.D., from Ohio State Wexner Center, though it is noted that eating strong flavors alone is not likely to jumpstart an ability to taste or smell, it doesn’t hurt to try.